Sunday, April 22, 2018


Here's the report on my first week with Lyft. I appreciate the comprehensive breakdown that is given... there's some good intel here for drivers. A new driver can definitely start to put together a game plan based on the data given in the weekly report.

I'm pleased with the results as well. I think the two bonuses worth noting here are the Driver Referral and the Power Driver Bonus.

Driver Referral is the sign up bonus that is available to both the new driver and the driver who referred him. In my city, this bonus can be up to $500 extra in the first two months of driving. I scored $260 this week, and I finished out the $500 in week two.

Power Driver Bonus is more interesting, because it is not a temporary sign up bonus. This bonus is available every single week, based upon the number of trips the driver accepts & completes. In Louisville KY, this bonus could either be $50, $100, $140, or $260 EACH WEEK (in addition to the regular check).

There are other features on the Lyft app that make the driving experience very customizable for the individual... so far, my income for the time worked has been very satisfactory!

By the way, if you're interested in Lyft, I'll be glad to help you any way that I possibly can!! My referral code is h2ejv.

Thursday, April 5, 2018


So, it's been a while since I posted anythingto this blog. Uber has been going great, and I really haven't had much else to say...

Well, today, I just completed my first day driving with Lyft.

The referral, sign up bonus is noteworthy. With Uber, there's a pretty good sign up bonus in my city, including a $1000 earnings guarantee in the first 30 days. The only challenge is, any Uber bonus comes at the end of the qualification... so, AFTER you complete 125 trips, Uber will add whatever bonus is coming your way.

Lyft is a little different. They offer, in my city, a $500 bonus for the first 125 trips. However, rather than wait until you complete the qualification, Lyft will pay you a little bit at a time! For each trip (up to the first 125 trips), I am getting an extra $4... for EACH TRIP!

That is actually pretty awesome. If you do 120 of the 125 trips with Uber, you don't get the bonus. If youdo 120 of the 125 trips with Lyft... you get 120 × $4 or 480 bucks!!!

Both Lyft and Uber have their advantages for sure...
If you choose to sign up, my referral code for both is h2ejv.

And, as usual, I'm always willing to share any helpful intel!!