Friday, December 12, 2014

Regulations and Safety...

I listened to an informative broadcast today...

The Diane Rehm Show provided a well rounded look into ride-sharing programs. It is not pro-Uber or against. But, the show did discuss some of the potential regulations and fees which may be imposed upon drivers across the States.

I think it's worth a listen!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Big, Fat Wedding...

I just dropped off three passengers... I picked them up from Palace Theatre on 4th Street in town.

Turns out, the final episode of a show called MY BIG, FAT AMERICAN GYPSY WEDDING was being shot there tonight (never heard of that one!)... and my passengers were extras in the show!

If you know that show.. look for the guy,  in the last episode, who slaps one of the main characters... that guy was just in my back seat!

Apparently, there are a number of 'big, fat weddings' taking place on television.

It's cool that there's so much 'big, fat love' in the world...

and it's cool that three of my passengers were a part of spreading it around!

Lost and Found...

Sometimes passengers leave items in my back seat... I returned a smartphone (I checked the contact list for familiar names or faces to determine who's it was), I also had someone's scarf, and a blouse (I still have the blouse, actually)...

Today, I returned a guys iPad.

I picked up the guy at a 'gentleman's club' in town... actually it was a strip club (nothing too 'gentlemanly' about it)...

On the way to his home, we stopped by the ATM... then we compared notes on the very popular SERIAL podcast (love it!!)...

He was so distracted, I guess, that he left his tablet in my car! has a COMMON ISSUES page for passengers. One of the issues is 'leaving your stuff in the Uber car'...

The passenger went to that page, and he found my contact number... He called me... I returned the iPad... he gave me twenty bucks (that was cool)...

...all in a day's work, I guess.

I had also contacted Uber earlier today, when I found the tablet this morning. I was told that, for returning found items, drivers can send an email to their local Uber contact (for example '' is the email contact for my area)...

The contact will help track down the passenger also.

I took note of that... good to know, for future reference.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Random Plug!

When I'm waiting in a parking lot for pickup requests... late at night... at a McDonald's or a White Castle...


I think it is, at least so far, one of the coolest programs ever spawned from NPR!

...and Sarah Koenig is awesome! Her style and wit are just perfect for this audio series. And, even before "Serial" started, I was a big fan of Ira Glass and "This American Life"!

Between the two podcasts, I have plenty of great content to occupy my thoughts... while waiting for the next pickup request to come through!

Now, I know that you have probably listened to every episode of these great programs... but... just in case (in case you've been vacationing on, say... Mars), I highly recommend you check it out!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Cousin Ronnie!

I just wanna give a special shout-out to my cousin Ronnie Lea...

He IS one of the hardest working men I know... a true hustler (in the best sense of the word!)...

He owns a small automotive body shop... and a limousine company as well!

A few weeks ago, I attended a wedding in Louisville KY... Ronnie's limo service was hired to provide the transport... it was a top-shelf enterprise!

He let me check out the limousine... nice!!

So, if you live in the Louisville KY area... and you are looking for a limo service... check out my cousin Ronnie!

Exclusive Limousines

Go cousin! ...proud of you!!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

We All Work for Money...

Most drivers, especially in small cities, work with Uber for a secondary income. They usually work somewhere full-time as well. Some also use Uber as their sole source of income. But, all of us basically work for money...

A few months ago, I went to a seminar that changed my life financially. The seminar, MASTER YOUR MONEY, was hosted by Dale Gibbons. It cost my wife and me $100 - fifty bucks a person... it is alot more expensive now, I think. But, that seminar was worth every penny we spent!

The live seminar (I believe Mr. Gibbons does webinars now) was broken up into three segments... the first segment was my whole problem:

#1... Get control of your income!

Isn't that the real key for most people?

We often want to make MORE income; and that's cool... it's one reason I started driving with Uber. But, really, the first thing that most of us should do... job number one... is to get control of the income we already have! Then, when we make more, we will be better equipped to handle that!

We got a book, and his income-tracking software, free with Mr. Gibbon's seminar fee. The seminar was life-changing! But, if you can't do that, at least buy the book...

It's titled MASTER YOUR MONEY IN 7 DAYS. Here's a link to the book information...

Whether you work full-time, drive with Uber part-time, or have multiple income streams (which I do), you need to figure out the basics...

We all work for money; and we need to get control of the money we have.