Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Poor Jeanne...

I just dropped off one of my passengers, while doing my thing with Uber. Jeanne is what I would call a regular... I've transported her multiple times over the past few months...

Jeanne shared with me a story that just broke my heart. Apparently, her daughter has been searching for an automobile. Well, she found one... so she thought... on Craig's List...

The "owner" of the auto lives in Missouri. Jeanne's daughter saw a photo of the car on the Website. The price was affordable... $2500.00.

The "owner" gave instructions to purchase five Amazon gift cards, $500 each card. Jeanne's daughter did this. She was then instructed to send $2500.00 in gift cards to the "owner", at a particular address. The auto was to arrive this morning...

The automobile has not arrived.

What did arrive was an email. The email, addressed to Jeanne's daughter, explained that the vehicle had now arrived at the state border. And, in order to transport it across the state line, a $1000 "border fee" was being imposed (the words "border fee" were actually in quotations... Jeanne showed me the email)...

The email stated that two additional gift cards ($500 each) should be purchased and forwarded to the appropriate address. Not to worry, however... the "fee" would be reimbursed with the auto's final delivery (shaking my head now)...

Fortunately, Jeanne's daughter did not forward the "border fee". She did, however, lose $2500.00 to this obvious scam...

I hated hearing this news from Jeanne!

Injustice angers me. Abuse and mistreatment sicken my heart. I hate dishonesty and deceit!

There is not necessarily a lesson in every experience. But, if I had to draw one here, it would be...

Whatever it is... Uber, Amway, a new automobile, whatever... investigate everything thoroughly, BEFORE getting involved. And... for me... I must be sure never to treat anyone this way.

Saturday, July 11, 2015


I just got home from driving with Uber. It was a good night. Friday nights are usually pretty steady...

When I walked up to the back porch of my condo, I noticed two spiders and their webs. One spider had woven a very beautiful orb web... you know like the one in Charlotte's Web, or like Spider-Man spins to catch crooks, or maybe good guys when they're falling from the sky...

That web was very symmetrical, very pretty.

The other spider's web was not so beautiful. It was just a dense mass of webbing gathered together in one corner of the awning over our back porch...

It was not very impressive.

Well, I watched the two spiders for about thirty-five minutes, just to see if they'd catch any food...

The spider with the attractive orb web was zero for three with his attempts. Three times an insect flew into the web. But, each time, the insect was able to escape by flying through the gaps in the webbing... the holes in that spider's beautiful plan were just too big!

The other spider, with the unattractive web, caught two insects in thirty minutes! His webbing was so dense, there was no room for the insects to escape... that spider's plan was airtight!

There are a lot of attractive careers we can pursue... ones carrying status, prestige, and the promise of a great paycheck! But in today's economic reality, that plan may have a few holes. It may not quite be working out as promised...

There are other pursuits, however, that may not be so attractive... maybe Amway or Uber, for example. But the endeavor may be worthy. There may not be prestige or any real status to speak of... but, the plan may be pretty solid, or airtight...

There are no guarantees for anything that we do... that's called life. But we should never discount the real opportunity that may exist with some of the less attractive, less glamorous pursuits...

After all, when it comes down to it... it's not how attractive your web is... it's did you catch any food!